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Ambassador Scheme

CEUK Ambassador Scheme

We can sing about CEUK and our products until we are blue in the face, but the reality is - end users like to hear it from people just like them!

People love an honest review, especially from somebody who has used CEUK before!

Do you want to be a part of a growing and aspiring team, and also earn money to spend on our web store?

You're in the right place!

Our ambassador scheme gives you a discount code to promote to your friends, followers and social media groups that gives them discount off our product range! 

Every time the code is used, you get a cash reward!


  • Scout A Customer:

    You find somebody looking for a product we offer, or a discount code for CEUK!

    Drop your discount code and a link to our website (Product Specific always helps)

  • Customer Gets:

    When the customer adds eligible items to their basket and inserts your code, 5% is discounted off their order immediately!

    They can use your code as often as they like!

  • You Get:

    2% of the order value is then added to a "Kitty" for you to use against your own purchases in the future!

    If a customer cancels their order within 28 days this is deducted from your kitty!

  • Your Kitty:

    Once you build up a decent amount in your kitty you can use this against your own purchases!

    Simply get in touch and ask for your kitty balance to be converted into a redeemable voucher code!

The Small Print

The purpose of the CEUK Ambassador Scheme is to help our loyal customers get rewarded for promoting our brand and sharing the word! With this in mind, CEUK needs to be actively seeing this promotion!

When you join our team, we will restrict the amount of ambassadors joining with the same vehicle. This is to stop multiple people spamming the same posts in the same groups and circles.

This does however come at a cost to us if you do not perform!

With this in mind; The below criteria needs to be met at all times with no exceptions, and failure to meet the below points will result in expulsion from the scheme!

  • Discount codes must be used at Least Once Per Calender Month to retain your place!
  • Ambassadors must not Bad Mouth or Slander CEUK in any capacity!
  • Negative posts online from customers must be reported to CEUK by ambassadors
  • Where possible, if you have enough experience we would expect you to defend the brand.

By signing up to our scheme you agree to the above points!

We will review all discount codes and ambassadors Quarterly, Under performances will be released from the scheme and slow performance may be contacted to see how we can assist in your success!

Send us a message!

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